Cashflow Forecasting & Budgeting
Did you know that we offer Cashflow Forecasting and Budgeting?
Having a Cashflow Forecast is important for business planning. It can help you set financial targets, know where you are heading and help determine those periods where cash may be lean.
Once we have established a sensible forecast, we can run different scenarios to answer questions such as, "What if you put your prices up 5%? How will my business look if I take out a loan to purchase equipment? What is the effect on my bottom line if I employ a new staff member? What if revenue decreases by 20%?... etc.
We are then able to utilise your forecast as a basis for a budget to be loaded into Xero so that we can run reports of actual vs budget.
If you would like further information, please contact our resident forecasting specialist, Karin Copestake –
Nb. This service is also available as a 100% Funded Service via the Regional Business Partner Network - Click here for further details.
This information is intended to provide general advice only. We recommend you discuss your specific situation with your Accountant.